A play in two acts
Mikhail Lermontov
Directed by Rimas Tuminas
Duration – 2 hrs 30 mins
Premiere date – 27th February, 1997
Masquerade by Rimas Tuminas could be counted as one of the most successful interpretations ever of this Romantic play by Mikhail Lermontov. In this production of eerie beauty, filled with sounds of heady and nostalgic waltz by Aram Khachaturian, and with falling snow in an empty black space, you not only experiance our times, but also the cultural heritage of the last century: drama by Brecht and Strehler, films by Fellini, and the flair of Broadway. Tuminas has revealed his very particular sensation of Romanticism in Masquerade, which is connected with commedia dell’arte. The elements of this genre turn an alluring view into a strange tragicomedy.
The Independent noted that Tuminas’ concept unfolds the bitter tragedy of the play, which recalls both Othello and A Winter’s Tale, developing in a wild and turbulent world of snow, waltzing and elegant buffoonery. The magic of this production of Masquerade comes not from the charm of the masked ball; the acting, the direction, the set, all create a feast lasting only a few moments, and a permanent longing for it.
The Small Theatre’s Masquerade has travelled all over the world, from Sweden to Italy, and from South Korea tu Mexico, and has received a number of prestigious awards.
Zycie Warszawy:
“The Masquerade from Vilnius is a breathtaking sight. They renounce almost any scenery design, but the space created by A. Jacovskis is, one could say, perfect. There is no set, no props, except a small classical scupture - something that reminds you a sarcophagus, and a ball of snow, pushed unceasingly by the same character. Incidentally everything in this play is plunged into the snow which becomes the main element of the play. R. Tuminas adores the scenic effects, but you'll never find in his plays art for art's sake: everything has a reason, a motive.
A Lithuanian director stages a play which is simply amazing, charming by its beauty, and often it moves you like the famous waltz of Khachaturian, which is sometimes very loud, sometimes much quieter...”
American Theatre:
“Adapted by director Rimas Tuminas from a Mikhail Lermontov story, Masquerade blends the cool aestheticism of Ingmar Bergman with the passion of the Russian soul. Tuminas subtly cross-stitches a half-dozen or more ice-and-snow-inspired metaphors, including the rolling across the stage of a growing snowball symbolizing the consuming suspicion that leads to the story's tragedy, and the feverish clinking of spoons in silver dishes of ice cream as a husband's jealousy culminates in the poisoning of his unnerved wife.”
Additional information:
Tobacco products are used on stage during the performance.
Tours, festivals, awards:
1997 – International Theatre Festival Kontakt’97 in Toruń (Poland) – Grand Prix and special journalists' prize; prize for the best set design to A. Jacovskis.
1997 – VII International Theatre Festival Baltiyskiy dom’97 in St Petersburg (Russia) – prize for the best set design to A. Jacovskis.
1997 – 2nd International Christmassy Art Festival in Novosibirsk (Russia).
1997 – International Theatre Festival Divadelna Nitra’97 (Slovakia).
1998 – International Theatre Festival of Nations in Zurich (Switzerland).
1998 – Tour at Teatr-Studio in Warsaw (Poland).
1998 – Chekhov International Theatre Festival in Moscow (Russia), Golden Mask for the best performance from abroad.
1998 – Du Maurier World Stage Theatre Festival in Toronto (Canada).
1998 – International Theatre Festival of Nations in Zurich (Switzerland).
1998 – International Theatre Festival Golden Lion in Lviv (Ukraine), awards: best directing – R. Tuminas, best set design – A. Jacovskis, best actress – A. Čepaitė, best performance.
1999 – International Theatre Festival in Parma (Italy).
1999 – International Theatre Festival in Belfast (North Ireland).
1999 – Tour in Brighton and Derby (Great Britain).
2000 – Visit the EXPO cultural programme in Hannover (Germany).
2000 – International Theatre Festival Iberoamericano in Bogotá (Columbia).
2001 – Tour at LG art centre in Seul (South Korea).
2001 – Tour in Uppsala and Gothenburg (Sweden).
2002 – International Middle and East European countries festival Paradise Lost in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
2003 – Festival Kilkenny Arts (Ireland).
2005 – Tour in Oxford (Great Britain).
2006 – V. Mayakovsky theatre, Moscow (Russia).
2007 – Tour in Budapest, Debrecen (Hungary).
2010 – International Theatre Festival Baltiyskiy dom’09 in St. Petersburg (Russia).
2014 – Budapest Spring Festival MITEM (Madach International Theatre Meeting).
2018 – Tour at Daning Theatre, Shanghai (China).